Our Mission

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” MARK TWAIN

We live on a wonderful planet, and even though its rules are not always easy to understand, they are still hugely fascinating.

In a global world, where uncertainty and fake news became to play a larger role in many societies, it is increasingly important to educate yourself and make sure that everyone has an access to the relevant information.

In today’s technological world, we take information technologies for granted and use them on a regular basis. It does not go a day without us using our phones or laptops. But if we ask, hardly anybody really knows about some of the key milestones that stand behind the driving force of these inventions.

When I am talking to somebody about scientific achievements, I gladly use the term “us” to describe who´s discovery it is. Because that is what it is. The large majority of scientific success is gained by us, the global community. Nonetheless, most of the results and information are accessible to a scientific elite only. They are made public either in a foreign language or in a community specific media, so the general public doesn’t know how to gain an access to it.

And this is what we want to change, by bringing some of the most fascinating
results and principles of how the world around us works, to places they haven´t been before.

We want people to experience the Heureka effect in the moment when context becomes clear. To let people experience joy by understanding, gaining new knowledge and learning new information from results, which then can lead to an increasing interest in a certain subject.

Beside our technical – scientific exhibitions, we also provide roadshows on cultural topics, because it’s not just science that made our society what it is today. The beginning is to be made by the wonderful story of Alice in Wonderland. With this particular exhibition, we want to try to help people to re-discover the beauty of the written word and also remind them, that it is important to sometimes slow down and take a break.

Because as we say, the society cannot progress, if it’s not taken care of and nurtured.


Dreaming of and discussing ideas.


Thorough research and studying of each topic.


Putting pen to paper, creating the concepts and manufacturing the ideas.


Spreading the word and making our exhibitions known.

Magic happening

Visitors enjoying the shows and getting to experience the magic.

Got a question? Let’s discuss it.